When we dream about our next holiday, we think of spectacular landmarks and landscapes, rich experiences, and exposure to a multitude of cultures. This is probably the textbook definition of a holiday (if there is one). However, a topic like this is highly subjective and will differ depending on personal preference.

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we would have roots instead of feet,” said Rachel Wolchin, accurately depicting how a nomadic lifestyle is natural for humans. Although we no longer have to migrate like our ancestors did, moving around is still a huge part of the human experience.
So how about holidays that don’t involve much travelling? Well, whether you choose to spend it on leisurely activities or recreation, it is totally up to you. But staying at home to sleep, watch television, or go on social media all day may not be the most productive way to spend your day(s) off. While it’s important to get sufficient rest, it is equally important to balance out everyday monotony.
Take breaks seriously
Holidays are a common topic among travellers, but let’s talk about something universally relatable: annual leave. There’s a reason why it exists, yet not many individuals understand the importance of it in your work calendar.

Another meaning behind the term ‘overworked’ is also ‘lack of work-life balance’. When people don’t make time for personal enjoyment, they are living on survival mode, thus resulting in more stress, pressure, and even poor mental health. The Happiness Index reports that a break from work allows workers to “de-stress, regain focus and re-energise”, so utilise it! You’ll find yourself less stressed with improved productivity too.

Understand your needs
With millennials dominating the workforce, the term ‘work-life balance’ has now been redefined into something new to fit the changing needs of the current generation, according to Forbes. In essence, it means an equal balance of professional life, personal life, and family life. Without it, many will have a dysfunctional routine, which explains why someone like Aissat is willing to lie about his trip just to get a day’s rest at home. Rest is not a luxury, it’s a necessity!
Besides, you can even experience burnout, a common phenomenon from a hectic work life and a monotonous routine. Burnout might be common in the workplace, but being in a state of mental and physical exhaustion shouldn’t be the norm. When left unattended, burnout can cause long term changes in your body, leaving you prone to illnesses. Don’t fall for the trap of work hard, play hard. Instead, work in moderation and make sure self-care is your priority. Not only is self-care about rest, it’s about treating yourself right so you can perform better in all areas of life.

Go for it!
Last but not least, use your break from work to fulfill your goals – big or small. Aissat could’ve used it to really go to London if he could, but if that’s unattainable, small steps matter too! While there are no specific things you can do to enrich your life, we strongly believe in the wonders of physical activities, spending time with your loved ones and of course, soul searching through travelling.
Our #StopPretending series is all about achieving dreams no matter the size, but not at the expense of your sanity, health and professional life. So live your life the smart way, and you’ll soon see the wonders of a more productive life. After all, when it comes to goals, why create a fake holiday (Tarek did that as well but for his own reasons) when you can go for a real one?
Have you watched Aissat’s video yet?